Category: Oral Health

Oral Health Problems, Are They Genetic?

Oral Health Problems, Are They Genetic?

5 clinical states that can run in the family

Your parents may have given you more than just eye color and your sense of humor. You may also have inherited a higher risk of having dental problems.

Yes, dental problems can run in the family. And it’s not just because you’ve picked up bad family habits, or caught mouth bacteria from sharing silverware. Many oral health problems have a hereditary basis. That means you may be at higher risk of developing certain clinical states, regardless of your habits.

To get a better picture of your risks, find out if your family members have a history of any of the following diseases.

1. Periodontal Disease (In The Gums)

Up to 30% of the population may be genetically predisposed to gum disease. 

Early diagnosis and treatment can be beneficial in protecting your gums and teeth. Is gum disease a problem that your family members struggle with? Be sure to tell your dentist.

2. Caries

Do you have cavities? Your ancestors may be to blame. Certain variations of the beta-defensin 1 (DEFB1) gene are associated with an increased risk of developing cavities in permanent teeth.

If your teens are at higher risk for cavities, talk to your dentist about sealant and fluoride treatments. Adults at higher risk for cavities may find benefits using prescription kinds of toothpaste or mouthwashes. And be sure to go to the dentist for frequent exams and cleanings. Left untreated, cavities can aggravate gum disease and eventually lead to tooth loss.

3. Cancer In The Mouth

Every year, this deadly disease is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans. While lifestyle choices, such as tobacco and alcohol, are the main risk factors for oral cancer, genetics may also play a minor role. People who carry certain genetic markers are at higher risk of developing the disease.

You can reduce your risks by quitting tobacco, cutting back on alcohol, and eating a balanced diet.

Oral Health Problems, Are They Genetic?

4. Misaligned Teeth

If you need braces, you are probably not the only one in your family. Genetics plays an important role in determining the size of the jaw. This, in turn, can lead to crowding, gaps, deep bites, and prognathism.

If dental misalignment is a common problem in your family, find an orthodontist for your child. Early orthodontic treatment can benefit many young patients, allowing developing bones and teeth to grow properly and prevent more serious problems in the future.

5. Cleft Lip Or Palate

A common congenital defect, cleft lip or palate occurs when the sides of the lip or the top of the mouth do not come together properly. Genetics may be a factor: Babies of Asian, Latino, and Native American descent are the most likely to be born with a cleft, as their parents themselves possibly have a cleft lip or palate.

The teeth worn or loose can be a symptom of gum disease or bruxism, a disorder characterized by grinding or clenching of teeth repeatedly. Bruxism usually occurs during sleep, so the person is not aware of it, but it can also occur during the day; People with bruxism should avoid clenching or grinding their teeth during the day. Bruxism can lead to tooth erosion, which is the wear of the chewing surfaces of the teeth. Tooth erosion can also occur from chewing abrasive foods or tobacco, or from the wear and tear that accompanies aging, and can decrease the effectiveness of chewing.

The teeth with an abnormal form can be a symptom of genetic diseases, hormonal disorders, or infections acquired before they left the teeth. They can also become deformed from fractures or chipping caused by trauma to the mouth.

Abnormal tooth color is not the same as the darkening or yellowing of the teeth that occurs with age or with exposure of the teeth to substances that stain, such as coffee, tea, and tobacco smoke. The gray hue of a tooth can be a symptom of previous infections inside the tooth, which have seriously damaged the pulp, the living tissue of the tooth. The same can happen when a permanent tooth replaces an infected baby tooth. Permanent tooth staining can be caused by taking tetracycline before 9 years of age, or by taking it by the mother during the second half of pregnancy. An excessive intake of fluorides during childhood can cause mottling of the hard tooth surface (the enamel).

Abnormal tooth enamel can be due to a diet lacking in vitamin D, as in rickets. It can also be the result of a childhood infection (such as measles or chickenpox) that occurred when permanent teeth were forming, or a result of gastroesophageal reflux or repeated vomiting, as occurs in bulimia nervosa, as acid of the stomach dissolves the surface of the teeth. Swimmers who spend too long in excessively chlorinated pools can lose tooth enamel, as can people who work with acids. The excessive intake of fluoride(fluorosis) during childhood can cause enamel staining. Damaged tooth enamel can facilitate the bacterial invasion of the tooth, which will form a cavity.

Oral Health During Pregnancy

Oral Health During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful stages in the life of a woman, but it is also a stage full of care and changes in certain habits, especially to be able to carry out a healthy process, as well as take care of the baby’s development.

It is very important to mention that studies have been carried out, where a certain relationship has been found between periodontal disease and premature births, said disease is caused by factors such as the presence of antibacterial plaque and tartar, due to poor hygiene or toothbrush technique deficient, systemic diseases, among others.

It must be borne in mind that everything is intimately connected, that is, the nutrients of the food we eat reach the fetus, there is also a certain influence of the emotions that are experienced during this period with the baby. The best thing is to determine that he will be affected or benefited by the conditions of how this process is conducted.

But What Does Periodontitis Have To Do With Pregnancy?

Periodontitis, as we mentioned above, is an oral disease that is defined as the loss of the supporting tissues that surround the tooth, these tissues are the gum, ligament, and bone. While pregnancy is a stage where, to carry out the development of life within the woman, certain levels of acids and hormones are elevated so that the body can perform its tasks.

So if I’m pregnant, is it necessary to go to a dental consultation?

It is as necessary as going to your usual consultation with your family dentist, since you should have periodic hygiene, preferably every trimester to avoid inflammation of the gums, which is more common in pregnant patients due to the same elevation in levels of hormones and acids.

Another very important point is the control of any condition that in the long run can trigger an infection or dental emergency.

Is It Safe To Have Dental Treatments During Pregnancy?

Sure, it’s safe, as long as proper precautions are taken. For example, when taking X-rays, they should only be done when a tooth is compromised and a lead apron and neck should be placed to avoid radiation to the fetus.

You also need to know that since each patient is different, has different conditions, or is in different circumstances, the management of both drugs and local anesthetics has to be adapted to these characteristics, in this case depending on which trimester they are in.

Come with us to answer all your questions and take control during your pregnancy. Schedule your appointment and get to know us, we are happy to assist you.


Far from the traditional idea of false teeth, modern prosthetics are used by large numbers of people of all ages to replace teeth and improve their appearance. Dentures come in a wide variety of designs, from conventional dentures to removable dentures. Some prostheses are permanent implants.

 Why Are Dentures Necessary?

There are some reasons why someone may lose their teeth in their lifetime. Most tooth extractions are necessary due to periodontal disease or cavities. But sometimes teeth can be removed due to defects or deterioration caused by other health problems. And often, teeth are lost through injury.

The loss of some teeth can even cause problems, as well as affecting their appearance. If there are multiple missing teeth, there is less support for the cheeks and lips, and this can cause the facial muscles to sag.

This impairment can make eating and talking more difficult.

Replacing missing teeth with prosthetics restores the appearance of your smile while providing the support necessary to keep your entire face healthy.

It is important to replace loose or worn dentures. Poorly fitting dentures can cause discomfort, infections, and sores. Loose dentures can make it difficult to eat or speak.

Full Dentures

When thinking about dentures, most of us have a picture of a complete set of dentures in our minds.

If a patient has a complete absence of teeth, both upper (maxillary) and lower (mandibular) arches, they may receive a pair of complete dentures, also known as “full” dentures.

Partial Dentures

As the name suggests, partial dentures are used when not all of the patient’s teeth are missing and only some have to be replaced.

These prostheses can be tooth-supported or a tooth and compatible tissue. The dental technician will be able to explain the differences and advise on the best option.