Dental Cavities

Cavities are caused by the action of bacteria found in the food you eat. There are usually thousands of bacteria in your mouth and most are beneficial, but some of them form tight-knit colonies called plates, these microorganisms survive when you digest the foods you eat, especially those that break down into simple sugars such as candies and sweets, as well as other foods with a large number of carbohydrates, for example, pasta, bread, cereals, milk, nuts, juices, and sweetened beverages.

Dental Filling To End Cavities

The treatment to cure cavities is very simple and involves making a filling or filling.

This substance very closely mimics the exact shade of the piece, so, even if it is done on the front teeth, it does not affect the aesthetics of the smile.

It is important to treat caries as soon as we notice the first symptoms, which usually translate into pain or discomfort in the tooth and intense sensitivity.

If you do not act quickly, caries will continue to destroy the dental layers and will require a more complex intervention than a filling: a root canal or root canal treatment.

Regardless of the procedure, the intervention of a dentist is essential, since caries is the leading cause of premature tooth loss in young


 It is an oral disease, usually bacterial, that causes inflammation of the gums. If plaque is not removed with daily brushing and flossing, it produces toxins that can irritate gum tissue and cause gingivitis. In this early stage of gum disease, the damage can be reversed, as the bone and connective tissue that hold teeth in place are not yet affected. However, gingivitis can turn into periodontitis and cause permanent damage to dental braces.

Professional Dental Prophylaxis

To treat gingivitis, as long as it is not overly developed, you can resort to professional dental hygiene.

The prophylaxis that we offer at Ferrus & Bratos is more comprehensive when compared to what other clinics offer.

Not only does it last 50 minutes, but we use more advanced techniques to ensure complete cleaning: ultrasound tip and air polisher, among others.

Along with this treatment, it is possible to stop gingivitis by extreme hygiene at home.

The Most Common Oral Diseases And How To Prevent Them


It seems to be the most common oral disease. It is a bacterial infection caused by microorganisms that destroy the support of the tooth, the gums, and the bone that are supporting the teeth. The first symptom identified by the general population is bleeding gums,   gingivitis, and tooth mobility.


But don’t be alarmed: pyorrhea can also be treated.

However, it is a more complicated procedure because it requires measurements to check the depth of the accumulated tartar, as well as another series of dental tests.

Once the periodontist knows how far the tartar reaches, a dental curettage is performed to clean the entire subgingival area.

Thus, you can take a sample of the bacteria and perform a microbiological study to prescribe an effective antibiotic.

Halitosis And Bad Breath: 

Halitosis is caused by the batteries we have in our mouths. In the morning, morning breath is usually much more unpleasant than during the day, this is caused thanks to the fact that at night we salivate less, causing the number of bacteria in the mouth to increase. At 14-85 Dental Spa, we give you some tips to end bad breath.

Identify The Source Of Halitosis

On the other hand, when halitosis is extraoral, it has its origin in systemic problems, such as those related to the digestive system or liver or kidney diseases.

Although at first glance bad breath may seem only a social problem for those who suffer from it, the truth is that it can be a clue to more serious pathology.

Therefore, how you treat bad breath depends on what causes it.

If it is due to insufficient hygiene, it will be necessary to incorporate a tongue cleaner and other auxiliary oral cleaning elements.

But if it is due to any disease that we have mentioned, they will have to be addressed to end bad breath.

Tooth Sensitivity: 

It affects 1 in 3 Colombians and it becomes evident when we consume cold, hot, acidic foods and even with the passage of very cold air. This sensitivity is related to the brushing technique, the products used and even age, which causes certain structures of the tooth (root) to be more exposed and these symptoms appear. Therefore, the advice is to pay attention so that it does not end in a bigger problem.

Herpes Labialis

Besides, even if it disappears, herpes tends to appear throughout our lives if we have ever suffered it since the virus does not disappear.

Treatment To Relieve Symptoms

As with canker sores, cold sores do not require any treatment, but rather heals on their own.

In the same way, in pharmacies, you can ask for a specific drug to accelerate its disappearance.

But keep in mind that these products only relieve symptoms, but they do not eradicate the virus.

If you do not use any drug, herpes takes between 10 and 15 days to disappear, as it is the natural process of the virus.

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